Reference and Information Services are provided to researchers, and research assistance to students, faculty members, and staff.

The Central Library of IIT Patna provide reference and information service to its users for better use of library resources including orientation service to newcomers in respect of how to use the library resources.

Reference service includes finding user information needs and helps user to answer their queries through using wide range of library resources in print and e-formats. Computer terminals are also available to users for consulting library catalogues as well as for accessing databases and other e-resources.

The Central Library has also made a distinct reserved books collection of text books for urgent need.

Reserved books are restricted to borrow. Reserved books can only be issued for short period through special permission from concern library authority on urgent need.

There is also a distinct reference collection section which consists dictionaries, Annual Reports, Technical Reports, Theses, Dissertations, CD/DVDs etc. which are restricted for issuing.