Alphabetical List of Online Core Journals subscribed by the Central Library, IIT Patna                     


1 Biochemistry ACS
2 Bioconjugate Chemistry ACS
3 Biomacromolecules ACS
4 Biotechnology Progress ACS
5 Biointerphases AIP
6 Biomicrofluidics AIP
7 Biochemistry Annual Reviews
8 Biomedical Engineering Annual Reviews
9 Biophysics Annual Reviews
10 Bell Labs Technical Journal IEEE
11 Bioinformatics OUP
12 Biometrika OUP
13 Biostatistics OUP
14 Briefings in Bioinformatics OUP
15 British Journal of Criminology OUP
16 British Journal of Social Work OUP
17 Bulletin London Mathematical Society OUP
18 BC Studies OUP
19 Baltic Journal of Law & Politics OUP
20 Bases OUP
21 Behavior Research Methods OUP
22 Behavior Research Methods (Online) OUP
23 Behavior and Social Issues OUP
24 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology OUP
25 Behavioral Health Management OUP
26 Behavioral Healthcare OUP
27 Behavioral Science OUP
28 Behaviour Change OUP
29 Bilig OUP
30 Bilingualism OUP
31 BioSocieties OUP
32 Biogerontology OUP
33 British Journal of Canadian Studies OUP
34 British Journal of Political Science OUP
35 British Journal of Psychology OUP
36 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity OUP
37 Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs OUP
38 Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series OUP
39 Biomaterials Science RSC
40 Biochemical Systematics and Ecology Elsevier
41 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Proteins & Proteomics Elsevier
42 Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics Elsevier
43 Bioelectrochemistry Elsevier
44 Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Elsevier
45 Biomass and Bioenergy Elsevier
46 Biomaterials Elsevier
47 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Elsevier
48 Biometric Technology Today Elsevier
49 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters Elsevier
50 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Elsevier
51 Bioorganics Chemistry Elsevier
52 Biophysical Chemistry Elsevier
53 Bioresource Technology Elsevier
54 Biosensors and Bioelectronics Elsevier
55 Biosystems Engineering Elsevier
56 Building and Environment Elsevier
57 The Black Scholar PQJ(SSC)
58 Baurechtliche Blätter Springer
59 Behavior Genetics Springer
60 Behavioral and Brain Functions Springer
61 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology Springer
62 Bio tribune magazine Springer
63 Biochemical Genetics Springer
64 Biochemistry (Moscow) Springer
65 Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology Springer
66 Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry Springer
67 BioChip Journal Springer
68 BioControl Springer
69 BioData Mining Springer
70 Biodegradation Springer
71 Biodiversity and Conservation Springer
72 BioEnergy Research Springer
73 Biogeochemistry Springer
74 Biogerontology Springer
75 Biointerphases Springer
76 Biologia Plantarum Springer
77 Biologia Springer
78 Biological Cybernetics Springer
79 Biological Invasions Springer
80 Biological Procedures Online Springer
81 Biological Trace Element Research Springer
82 Biology & Philosophy Springer
83 Biology and Fertility of Soils Springer
84 Biology Bulletin Springer
85 Biology Direct Springer
86 Biology of Sex Differences Springer
87 Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology Springer
88 BioMedical Engineering OnLine Springer
89 Biomedical Engineering Springer
90 Biomedical Microdevices Springer
91 BioMetals Springer
92 Biomolecular NMR Assignments. Springer
93 Biophysical Reviews Springer
94 Biophysics Springer
95 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering Springer
96 BioPsychoSocial Medicine Springer
97 Biosemiotics Springer
98 BIOspektrum Springer
99 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Springer
100 Biotechnology for Biofuels Springer
101 Biotechnology Letters Springer
102 Biotechnology Techniques Springer
103 BIT Numerical Mathematics Springer
104 BMC Biochemistry Springer
105 BMC Bioinformatics Springer
106 BMC Biology Springer
107 BMC Biophysics Springer
108 BMC Biotechnology Springer
109 BMC Blood Disorders Springer
110 BMC Cancer Springer
111 BMC Cell Biology Springer
112 BMC Chemical Biology Springer
113 BMC Clinical Pharmacology Springer
114 BMC Developmental Biology Springer
115 BMC Ecology Springer
116 BMC Evolutionary Biology Springer
117 BMC Genetics Springer
118 BMC Health Services Research Springer
119 BMC Immunology Springer
120 BMC Infectious Diseases Springer
121 BMC International Health and Human Rights Springer
122 BMC Medical Education Springer
123 BMC Medical Ethics Springer
124 BMC Medical Genetics Springer
125 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making Springer
126 BMC Medical Research Methodology Springer
127 BMC Medicine Springer
128 BMC Microbiology Springer
129 BMC Molecular Biology Springer
130 BMC Neurology Springer
131 BMC Neuroscience Springer
132 BMC Palliative Care Springer
133 BMC Pharmacology Springer
134 BMC Physiology Springer
135 BMC Plant Biology Springer
136 BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Springer
137 BMC Public Health Springer
138 BMC Research Notes Springer
139 BMC Structural Biology Springer
140 BMC Systems Biology Springer
141 BMC Veterinary Research Springer
142 BMC Women's Health Springer
143 Boundary Value Problems Springer
144 Boundary-Layer Meteorology Springer
145 Brain Imaging and Behavior Springer
146 Brain Structure and Function Springer
147 Brain Topography Springer
148 Brain Tumor Pathology Springer
149 Breast Cancer Research Springer
150 Breast Cancer Springer
151 Brittonia Springer
152 BT Technology Journal Springer
153 Building Simulation Springer
154 Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering Springer
155 Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment Springer
156 Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Springer
157 Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine Springer
158 Bulletin of Materials Science Springer
159 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Springer
160 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series Springer
161 Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute Springer
162 Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics Springer
163 Bulletin of Volcanology Springer
164 Business & Information Systems Engineering Springer
165 Baltic Journal of Economics T & F
166 Behaviour & Information Technology T & F
167 Bioacoustics: The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording T & F
168 Biocontrol Science and Technology T & F
169 Biodemography and Social Biology T & F
170 Biodiversity T & F
171 Biofouling: The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research T & F
172 Biological Agriculture & Horticulture: An International Journal for Sustainable Production Systems T & F
173 Biological Oceanography T & F
174 Biological Rhythm Research T & F
175 Biomatter T & F
176 Bioremediation Journal T & F
177 Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry T & F
178 Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment T & F
179 Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews T & F
180 Bird Study T & F
181 The Black Scholar: Journal of Black Studies and Research T & F
182 British Poultry Science T & F
183 BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics T & F
184 The Botanical Review Springer
185 Baltic Journal of Management (BJM) Emerald
186 Benchmarking: An International Journal (BIJ) Emerald
187 British Food Journal (BFJ) Emerald
188 Built Environment Project and Asset Management (BEPAM) Emerald
189 Business Process Management Journal (BPMJ) Emerald
200 The Bottom Line (Prev. The Bottom Line: managing library finances) (BL) Emerald
201 BMJ Internationl Journal BMJ Internationl Journal
202 BULMIM Journal of Management and Research Indian Journals