Alphabetical List of Online Core Journals subscribed by the Central Library, IIT Patna                     


1 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters AIP
2 Transactions of The Society of Rheology AIP
3 Tsinghua Science and Technology IEEE
4 Translational Materials Research IOP
5 Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA OUP
6 Teaching Journalism & Mass Communication PQJ(SSC)
7 Technology and Culture PQJ(SSC)
8 Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management PQJ(SSC)
9 Theory and Decision PQJ(SSC)
10 Theory and Society PQJ(SSC)
11 Theory in Action PQJ(SSC)
12 Third World Quarterly PQJ(SSC)
13 The Times Educational Supplement PQJ(SSC)
14 The Times Higher Education Supplement: THE PQJ(SSC)
15 The Town Planning Review PQJ(SSC)
16 Transformations PQJ(SSC)
17 Turkish Journal of Politics PQJ(SSC)
18 Toxicology Research RSC
19 Talanta Elsevier
20 Telecommunication Policy Elsevier
21 Telematics and Informatics Elsevier
22 Tetrahedron Letters Elsevier
23 Tetrahedron Elsevier
24 Tetrahedron: Asymmetry Elsevier
25 Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics Elsevier
26 Theoretical Computer Science Elsevier
27 Thermochimica Acta Elsevier
28 Thin Solid Films Elsevier
29 Thin-Walled Structures Elsevier
30 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Elsevier
31 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Elsevier
32 Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Elsevier
33 Trends in Analytical Chemistry Elsevier
34 Tribology International Elsevier
35 Tsinghua Science & Technology Elsevier
36 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology Elsevier
37 Theory of Probability & Its Applications SIAM
38 Targeted Oncology Springer
39 Technical Physics Letters Springer
40 Technical Physics Springer
41 Technology, Knowledge and Learning Springer
42 TechTrends. (From 1997) Springer
43 Telecommunication Systems Springer
44 TEST. (From 1997) Springer
45 Theoretical and Applied Climatology Springer
46 Theoretical and Applied Genetics Springer
47 Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics Springer
48 Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry Springer
49 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Springer
50 Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling Springer
51 Theoretical Chemistry Accounts Springer
52 Theoretical Ecology Springer
53 Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering Springer
54 Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics Springer
55 Theory and Decision Springer
56 Theory and Society Springer
57 Theory in Biosciences Springer
58 Theory of Computing Systems Springer
59 Thermal Engineering Springer
60 Thermophysics and Aeromechanics Springer
61 Thyroid Research Springer
62 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Springer
63 Tobacco Induced Diseases Springer
64 TOP Springer
65 Topics in Catalysis Springer
66 Topoi Springer
67 Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences Springer
68 Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals Springer
69 Transactions of Tianjin University Springer
70 Transformation Groups Springer
71 Transgenic Research Springer
72 Transition Metal Chemistry Springer
73 Transition Studies Review Springer
74 Translational Neurodegeneration Springer
75 Translational Stroke Research Springer
76 Transplantation Research Springer
77 Transport in Porous Media Springer
78 Transportation Springer
79 Tree Genetics & Genomes Springer
80 Trees Springer
81 Trends in Organized Crime Springer
82 Trials Springer
83 Tribology Letters Springer
84 Tropical Animal Health and Production Springer
85 Tropical Plant Biology Springer
86 Tumor Biology Springer
87 Technometrics T & F
88 Textile Progress T & F
89 Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science T & F
90 Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry T & F
91 Traffic Injury Prevention T & F
92 Transactions of the American Fisheries Society T & F
93 Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society T & F
94 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa T & F
95 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia T & F
96 Transport T & F
97 Transportmetrica A: Transport Science T & F
98 Tribology Transactions T & F
99 Tropical Zoology T & F
100 Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies Wiley
101 Team Performance Management: An International Journal (TPM) Emerald
102 The TQM Journal (TQM) Emerald
103 Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities (TC) Emerald
104 Tizard Learning Disability Review (TLDR) Emerald
105 Tourism Review (TR) Emerald
106 Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy (TG) Emerald
107 Training & Development Journal Indian Journals
108 TRANS Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research (TAJMMR) Indian Journals
109 TechnoLearn: An International Journal of Educational Technology Indian Journals