Alphabetical List of Online Core Journals subscribed by the Central Library, IIT Patna                     


1 Physics of Fluids AIP
2 Physics of Fluids AIP
3 Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics AIP
4 Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics AIP
5 Physics of Particles and Nuclei AIP
6 Physics of Plasmas AIP
7 Physics of Plasmas AIP
8 Physics Today AIP
9 Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics AIP
10 Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease Annual Reviews
11 Pharmacology and Toxicology Annual Reviews
12 Physical Chemistry Annual Reviews
13 Physiology Annual Reviews
14 Phytopathology Annual Reviews
15 Plant Biology Annual Reviews
16 Political Science Annual Reviews
17 Psychology Annual Reviews
18 Public Health Annual Reviews
19 Physical Review Letters APS
20 Physical Review A APS
21 Physical Review B APS
22 Physical Review C APS
23 Physical Review D APS
24 Physical Review E APS
25 Physical Review X APS
26 Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams APS
27 Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research APS
28 Physical Review APS
29 Physical Review (Series I) APS
30 Physics APS
31 Physical Review Focus APS
32 Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction ASCE
33 Power Engineer IEEE
34 Presence IEEE
35 Proceedings of the British Institution of Radio Engineers IEEE
36 Proceedings of the IEE - Part A: Power Engineering IEEE
37 Proceedings of the IEE - Part B: Electronic and Communication Engineering IEEE
38 Proceedings of the IEE - Part B: Radio and Electronic Engineering IEEE
39 Proceedings of the IEE - Part C: Monographs IEEE
40 Proceedings of the IEE - Part I: General IEEE
41 Proceedings of the IEE - Part IA: Electric Railway Traction IEEE
42 Proceedings of the IEE - Part II: Power Engineering IEEE
43 Proceedings of the IEE - Part IIA: Insulating Materials IEEE
44 Proceedings of the IEE - Part III: Radio and Communication Engineering IEEE
45 Proceedings of the IEE - Part IIIA: Television IEEE
46 Proceedings of the IEE - Part IV: Institution Monographs IEEE
47 Proceedings of the IEEE IEEE
48 Proceedings of the Indian Division of the British Institution of Radio Engineers IEEE
49 Proceedings of the Indian Division of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers IEEE
50 Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers IEEE
51 Proceedings of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers IEEE
52 Production Engineer IEEE
53 Physica Scripta IOP
54 Parliamentary Affairs OUP
55 Philosophia Mathematica OUP
56 Political Analysis OUP
57 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society OUP
58 Public Opinion Quarterly OUP
59 Publius: The Journal of Federalism OUP
60 Part A (HSS Collection) PQDT
61 Part B (S & T Collection) PQDT
62 PM. Public Management PQJ(SSC)
63 PS, Political Science & Politics PQJ(SSC)
64 Pacific Affairs PQJ(SSC)
65 Pakistan Development Review PQJ(SSC)
66 Palabra - Clave PQJ(SSC)
67 Papers in Regional Science PQJ(SSC)
68 Peacekeeping & International Relations PQJ(SSC)
69 Perspectives (Pre-2012) PQJ(SSC)
70 Perspectives in Public Affairs PQJ(SSC)
71 Perspectives in Public Health PQJ(SSC)
72 Philosophy & Technology PQJ(SSC)
73 Plains Anthropologist PQJ(SSC)
74 Policy & Practice PQJ(SSC)
75 Policy Sciences PQJ(SSC)
76 Policy Studies Journal PQJ(SSC)
77 Political Behavior PQJ(SSC)
78 Political Research Quarterly PQJ(SSC)
79 Political Science Quarterly PQJ(SSC)
80 Polity PQJ(SSC)
81 Population PQJ(SSC)
82 Population & Societies PQJ(SSC)
83 Population Bulletin PQJ(SSC)
84 Population Ecology PQJ(SSC)
85 Population Research and Policy Review PQJ(SSC)
86 Population Trends PQJ(SSC)
87 Population and Environment PQJ(SSC)
88 Poverty & Race PQJ(SSC)
89 Presidential Studies Quarterly PQJ(SSC)
90 Primary Health Care PQJ(SSC)
91 Principia PQJ(SSC)
92 Prisma Social PQJ(SSC)
93 Progress in Development Studies PQJ(SSC)
94 Progress in Human Geography PQJ(SSC)
95 Progress in Physical Geography PQJ(SSC)
96 Psychiatric Times PQJ(SSC)
97 Psychiatry PQJ(SSC)
98 The Psychological Record PQJ(SSC)
99 Psychology Today PQJ(SSC)
100 Psychotherapy Networker PQJ(SSC)
101 Public Administration Review PQJ(SSC)
102 Public Choice PQJ(SSC)
103 Public Health Reports PQJ(SSC)
104 Public Health Reviews PQJ(SSC)
105 Public Interest PQJ(SSC)
106 Public Transport PQJ(SSC)
107 Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences RSC
108 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics RSC
109 Polymer Chemistry RSC
110 Perspectives in Public Health SAGE
111 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. PART - B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture SAGE
112 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. PART - C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science SAGE
113 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. PART - F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit SAGE
114 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. PART - I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering SAGE
115 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. PART - K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics SAGE
116 Psychology and Developing Societies SAGE
117 Parallel Computing Elsevier
118 Pattern Recognition Letters Elsevier
119 Pattern Recognition Elsevier
120 Performance Evolution Elsevier
121 Pervasive and Mobile Computing Elsevier
122 Photoacoustics Elsevier
123 Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications Elsevier
124 Physica B: Condensed Matter Elsevier
125 Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures Elsevier
126 Physical Communication Elsevier
127 Phytochemistry Letters Elsevier
128 Phytochemistry Elsevier
129 Planetary and Space Science Elsevier
130 Plasmas & Ions Elsevier
131 Polyhedron Elsevier
132 Polymer Contents Elsevier
133 Polymer Degradation and Stability Elsevier
134 Polymer Gels & Networks Elsevier
135 Polymer Testing Elsevier
136 Polymer Elsevier
137 Precision Engineering Elsevier
138 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics Elsevier
139 Procedia Chemistry Elsevier
140 Procedia CIRP Elsevier
141 Procedia Computer Science Elsevier
142 Procedia Earth and Planetary Science Elsevier
143 Procedia Engineering Elsevier
144 Procedia IUTAM Elsevier
145 Procedia Materials Science Elsevier
146 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Elsevier
147 Progress in Aerospace Sciences Elsevier
148 Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials Elsevier
149 Progress in Energy & Combustion Science Elsevier
150 Progress in Materials Science Elsevier
151 Progress in Natural Science: Materials International Elsevier
152 Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Elsevier
153 Progress in Polymer Science Elsevier
154 Progress in Solid State Chemistry Elsevier
155 Progress in Surface Science Elsevier
156 Propulsion and Power Research Elsevier
157 Pump Industry Analyst Elsevier
158 Paddy and Water Environment Springer
159 P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications Springer
160 Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments Springer
161 Paleontological Journal Springer
162 Parasites & Vectors Springer
163 Parasitology Research Springer
164 Particle and Fibre Toxicology Springer
165 Pastoral Psychology Springer
166 Pastoralism Springer
167 Pathology & Oncology Research Springer
168 Pattern Analysis and Applications Springer
169 Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis Springer
170 Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications Springer
171 Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Springer
172 Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design Springer
173 Petroleum Chemistry Springer
174 Petroleum Science Springer
175 Petrology Springer
176 Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology Springer
177 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal Springer
178 Pharmaceutical Research Springer
179 Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences Springer
180 Philosophia Springer
181 Philosophical Studies Springer
182 Philosophy & Technology Springer
183 Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine Springer
184 Photonic Network Communications Springer
185 Photonic Sensors Springer
186 Photosynthesis Research Springer
187 Photosynthetica Springer
188 Physical Oceanography Springer
189 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals Springer
190 Physics in Perspective Springer
191 Physics of Atomic Nuclei Springer
192 Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters Springer
193 Physics of Particles and Nuclei Springer
194 Physics of the Solid State Springer
195 Physics of Wave Phenomena Springer
196 Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants Springer
197 Phytochemistry Reviews Springer
198 Phytoparasitica Springer
199 Pituitary Springer
200 Planetary Science Springer
201 Plant and Soil Springer
202 Plant Biotechnology Reports Springer
203 Plant Cell Reports Springer
204 Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) Springer
205 Plant Ecology Springer
206 Plant Foods for Human Nutrition Springer
207 Plant Growth Regulation Springer
208 Plant Methods Springer
209 Plant Molecular Biology Reporter Springer
210 Plant Molecular Biology Springer
211 Plant Reproduction Springer
212 Plant Systematics and Evolution Springer
213 Planta Springer
214 Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing Springer
215 Plasma Physics Reports Springer
216 Plasmas and Polymers Springer
217 Plasmonics Springer
218 PMC Biophysics Springer
219 PMC Physics A Springer
220 PMC Physics B Springer
221 Poiesis & Praxis Springer
222 Polar Biology Springer
223 Policy Sciences Springer
224 Political Behavior Springer
225 Polymer Bulletin Springer
226 Polymer Science Series A Springer
227 Polymer Science Series B Springer
228 Polymer Science Series C Springer
229 Polymer Science Series D Springer
230 Population and Environment Springer
231 Population Ecology Springer
232 Population Health Metrics Springer
233 Population Research and Policy Review Springer
234 Portuguese Economic Journal Springer
235 Positivity Springer
236 Potato Research Springer
237 Potential Analysis Springer
238 Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics Springer
239 Power Technology and Engineering Springer
240 Pramana Springer
241 Precision Agriculture Springer
242 Prevention Science Springer
243 Primates Springer
244 Probability Theory and Related Fields Springer
245 Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins Springer
246 Problems of Information Transmission Springer
247 Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences Springer
248 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics Springer
249 Proceedings of the Zoological Society Springer
250 Production Engineering Springer
251 Programming and Computer Software Springer
252 Progress in Artificial Intelligence Springer
253 PROSPECTS Springer
254 Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces Springer
255 Protein & Cell Springer
256 Proteome Science Springer
257 Protoplasma Springer
258 PSN Springer
259 Psychiatric Quarterly Springer
260 Psychological Injury and Law Springer
261 Psychological Studies Springer
262 Psychology of Well-Being Springer
263 Psycho-Oncologie Springer
264 Psychopharmacology Springer
265 Public Choice Springer
266 Public Organization Review Springer
267 Public Transport Springer
268 Publishing Research Quarterly Springer
269 Pure and Applied Geophysics Springer
270 Palynology T & F
271 Particulate Science and Technology: An International Journal T & F
272 Patterns of Prejudice T & F
273 Petroleum Science and Technology T & F
274 Phase Transitions: A Multinational Journal T & F
275 Philosophical Magazine T & F
276 Philosophical Magazine Letters T & F
277 Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements T & F
278 Physical Geography T & F
279 Physics and Chemistry of Liquids: An International Journal T & F
280 Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology T & F
281 Plant Ecology & Diversity T & F
282 Plant Signaling & Behavior T & F
283 Polar Geography T & F
284 Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds T & F
285 Polymer Reviews T & F
286 Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering T & F
287 Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology T & F
288 PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies T & F
289 Prion T & F
290 Production & Manufacturing Research: An Open Access Journal T & F
291 Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations T & F
292 Pharmacopsychiatry THIEME
293 Planta Medica THIEME
294 Polymer Composites Wiley
295 Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications Wiley
296 The Physics of Metals and Metallography Springer
297 The Protein Journal Springer
298 The Physics Teacher AIP
299 Pacific Accounting Review(PAR) Emerald
300 Performance Measurement and Metrics (PMM) Emerald
301 Personnel Review (PR) Emerald
302 Pigment & Resin Technology (PRT) Emerald
303 Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management (PIJPSM) Emerald
304 Program (prev. Program: electronic library and information systems) (PROG) Emerald
305 Property Management (PM) Emerald
306 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
307 Pranjana:The Journal of Management Awareness Indian Journals
308 Pearl : A Journal of Library and Information Science Indian Journals
309 PATH : Progressive Approach to Tourism and Hospitality Indian Journals
310 Public Affairs And Governance Indian Journals