1 |
Chemical & Engineering News Archive Archives |
2 |
C&EN Online |
3 |
Chemical Research in Toxicology |
4 |
Chemical Reviews |
5 |
Chemistry of Materials |
6 |
Crystal Growth & Design |
7 |
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science |
8 |
Computers in Physics |
9 |
Cell and Developmental Biology |
Annual Reviews |
10 |
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering |
Annual Reviews |
11 |
Clinical Psychology |
Annual Reviews |
12 |
Condensed Matter Physics |
Annual Reviews |
13 |
Cement, Concrete and Aggregates (CCA) |
14 |
Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering |
15 |
China Communications |
16 |
Computer Architecture Letters |
17 |
Computer Music Journal |
18 |
Computer |
19 |
Computing in Science & Engineering |
20 |
Control & Automation |
21 |
Communications in Theoretical Physics |
22 |
Chinese Optics Letters |
23 |
Conference Papers |
24 |
Cambridge Journal of Economics |
25 |
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Econ and Society |
26 |
CESifo Economic Studies |
27 |
Children & Schools |
28 |
Chinese Journal of International Law |
29 |
Community Development Journal |
30 |
Computer Journal |
31 |
Contributions to Political Economy |
32 |
California Politics & Policy |
33 |
Canadian Foreign Policy |
34 |
Canadian Geographer |
35 |
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science |
36 |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
37 |
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice |
38 |
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology |
39 |
Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research |
40 |
Canadian Journal of Political Science |
41 |
Canadian Journal of Public Health |
42 |
Canadian Journal of Urban Research |
43 |
Canadian Journal on Aging |
44 |
Canadian Psychology |
45 |
Canadian Review of Social Policy |
46 |
Canadian Social Science |
47 |
Canadian Social Work Review |
48 |
Capital & Class |
49 |
Case Management Monthly |
50 |
Cato Journal |
51 |
Challenge |
52 |
Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal |
53 |
Child & Youth Care Forum |
54 |
Child Psychiatry and Human Development |
55 |
Child Welfare |
56 |
Children & Libraries |
57 |
Children's Voice |
58 |
Cithara |
59 |
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy |
60 |
Clinical Rehabilitation |
61 |
Clinical Social Work Journal |
62 |
Cogito |
63 |
Cognition, Technology & Work |
64 |
Cognitive Therapy and Research |
65 |
Colorlines |
66 |
Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems |
67 |
Commentary |
68 |
Communication Quarterly |
69 |
Communication Research Trends |
70 |
Communication Today |
71 |
Communities |
72 |
Community Care |
73 |
Community Mental Health Journal |
74 |
Comparative Civilizations Review |
75 |
Comparative Economic Research |
76 |
Comparative Studies in Society and History |
77 |
Constitutional Political Economy |
78 |
Constructivism in the Human Sciences |
79 |
Contagion |
80 |
Contemporary Drug Problems |
81 |
Contemporary Economic Policy |
82 |
Contemporary Political Theory |
83 |
Contemporary Sociology |
84 |
Contemporary Southeast Asia |
85 |
Continental Journal of Social Sciences |
86 |
Continuity and Change |
87 |
Corrections Today |
88 |
Creative and Knowledge Society |
89 |
Creativity and Leisure |
90 |
Crime, Law and Social Change |
91 |
Criminal Justice Ethics |
92 |
Criminology |
93 |
Critical Horizons |
94 |
Critical Perspectives on International Business |
95 |
Critical Studies |
96 |
Cross Currents |
97 |
Cultural Anthropology |
98 |
Cultural Geographies |
99 |
Cultural Studies Review |
100 |
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry |
101 |
Current Trends in Islamist Ideology |
102 |
Catalysis Science & Technology |
103 |
Chemical Communications |
104 |
Chemical Science |
105 |
Chemical Society Reviews |
106 |
CrystEngComm |
107 |
Clinical EEG and Neuroscience |
108 |
Contemporary Education Dialogue |
109 |
Carbohydrate Polymers |
Elsevier |
110 |
Carbohydrate Research |
Elsevier |
111 |
Card Technology Today |
Elsevier |
112 |
Cement and Concrete Composites |
Elsevier |
113 |
Cement and Concrete Research |
Elsevier |
114 |
Chemical Health & Safety |
Elsevier |
115 |
Chemical Physics Letters |
Elsevier |
116 |
Chemical Physics |
Elsevier |
117 |
Chemistry & Physics of Lipids |
Elsevier |
118 |
Chemometrics & Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
Elsevier |
119 |
Chinese Chemical Letters |
Elsevier |
120 |
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics |
Elsevier |
121 |
Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry |
Elsevier |
122 |
CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology |
Elsevier |
123 |
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology |
Elsevier |
124 |
Coastal Engineering |
Elsevier |
125 |
Cognitive Systems Research |
Elsevier |
126 |
Colloids & Surfaces A: Physicochemical & Engineering Aspects |
Elsevier |
127 |
Colloids & Surfaces B: Biointerfaces |
Elsevier |
128 |
Combinatorial Chemistry – An Online Journal |
Elsevier |
129 |
Combustion and Flame |
Elsevier |
130 |
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation |
Elsevier |
131 |
Composite Engineering |
Elsevier |
132 |
Composite Structures |
Elsevier |
133 |
Composites Part B: Engineering |
Elsevier |
134 |
Composites Science and Technology |
Elsevier |
135 |
Computational & Theoretical Chemistry |
Elsevier |
136 |
Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science |
Elsevier |
137 |
Computational Biology & Chemistry |
Elsevier |
138 |
Computational Geometry |
Elsevier |
139 |
Computational Materials Science |
Elsevier |
140 |
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis |
Elsevier |
141 |
Computer & Fluids |
Elsevier |
142 |
Computer Aided Geometric Design |
Elsevier |
143 |
Computer Audit Update |
Elsevier |
144 |
Computer Communications |
Elsevier |
145 |
Computer Fraud & Security |
Elsevier |
146 |
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems |
Elsevier |
147 |
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures |
Elsevier |
148 |
Computer Languages |
Elsevier |
149 |
Computer Law & Security Review |
Elsevier |
150 |
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine |
Elsevier |
151 |
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering |
Elsevier |
152 |
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems |
Elsevier |
153 |
Computer Networks |
Elsevier |
154 |
Computer Physics Communications |
Elsevier |
155 |
Computer Science Review |
Elsevier |
156 |
Computer Speech & Language |
Elsevier |
157 |
Computer Standards & Interfaces |
Elsevier |
158 |
Computer Vision and Image Understanding |
Elsevier |
159 |
Computer-Aided Design |
Elsevier |
160 |
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics |
Elsevier |
161 |
Computers & Chemical Engineering |
Elsevier |
162 |
Computers & Chemistry |
Elsevier |
163 |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
Elsevier |
164 |
Computers & Electronics in Agriculture |
Elsevier |
165 |
Computers & Geosciences |
Elsevier |
166 |
Computers & Geotechnics |
Elsevier |
167 |
Computers & Graphics |
Elsevier |
168 |
Computers & Industrial Engineering |
Elsevier |
169 |
Computers & Mathematics with Applications |
Elsevier |
170 |
Computers & Operations Research |
Elsevier |
171 |
Computers & Security |
Elsevier |
172 |
Computers & Structures |
Elsevier |
173 |
Computers in Biology and Medicine |
Elsevier |
174 |
Computers in Biomedical Research |
Elsevier |
175 |
Computers in Human Behavior |
Elsevier |
176 |
Computers in Industry |
Elsevier |
177 |
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems |
Elsevier |
178 |
Construction and Building Materials |
Elsevier |
179 |
Control Engineering Practice |
Elsevier |
180 |
Coordination Chemistry Reviews |
Elsevier |
181 |
COSPAR Information Bulletin |
Elsevier |
182 |
Cryogenics |
Elsevier |
183 |
Crystal Engineering |
Elsevier |
184 |
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology |
Elsevier |
185 |
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science |
Elsevier |
186 |
The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics |
187 |
The Canadian Review of Sociology |
188 |
The Chicago Reporter |
189 |
The China Journal |
190 |
The China Quarterly |
191 |
The Cyprus Review |
192 |
Calcified Tissue International |
Springer |
193 |
Calcolo |
Springer |
194 |
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations |
Springer |
194 |
Cancer and Metastasis Reviews |
Springer |
196 |
Cancer Causes & Control |
Springer |
197 |
Cancer Cell International |
Springer |
198 |
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology |
Springer |
199 |
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy |
Springer |
200 |
Cancer Microenvironment |
Springer |
201 |
Cancer Nanotechnology |
Springer |
202 |
Carbon Balance and Management |
Springer |
203 |
Carbonates and Evaporites |
Springer |
204 |
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology |
Springer |
205 |
Cardiovascular Engineering |
Springer |
206 |
Cardiovascular Toxicology |
Springer |
207 |
Catalysis in Industry |
Springer |
208 |
Catalysis Letters |
Springer |
209 |
Catalysis Surveys from Asia |
Springer |
210 |
CEAS Aeronautical Journal |
Springer |
211 |
CEAS Space Journal |
Springer |
212 |
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy |
Springer |
213 |
Cell & Bioscience |
Springer |
214 |
Cell and Tissue Banking |
Springer |
215 |
Cell and Tissue Biology |
Springer |
216 |
Cell and Tissue Research |
Springer |
217 |
Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics |
Springer |
218 |
Cell Biology and Toxicology |
Springer |
219 |
Cell Communication and Signaling |
Springer |
220 |
Cell Division |
Springer |
221 |
Cell Regeneration |
Springer |
222 |
Cell Stress and Chaperones |
Springer |
223 |
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters |
Springer |
224 |
Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering |
Springer |
225 |
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences |
Springer |
226 |
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology |
Springer |
227 |
Cellulose |
Springer |
228 |
Central European Journal of Biology |
Springer |
229 |
Central European Journal of Chemistry |
Springer |
230 |
Central European Journal of Mathematics |
Springer |
231 |
Central European Journal of Medicine |
Springer |
232 |
Central European Journal of Operations Research |
Springer |
233 |
Central European Journal of Physics |
Springer |
234 |
Springer |
235 |
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering |
Springer |
236 |
Chemical Papers |
Springer |
237 |
Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils |
Springer |
238 |
Chemistry Central Journal |
Springer |
239 |
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds |
Springer |
240 |
Chemistry of Natural Compounds |
Springer |
241 |
Chemoecology |
Springer |
242 |
Chemosensory Perception |
Springer |
243 |
Child & Youth Care Forum |
Springer |
244 |
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health |
Springer |
246 |
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal |
Springer |
247 |
Child Indicators Research |
Springer |
248 |
Child Psychiatry & Human Development |
Springer |
249 |
Children's Literature in Education |
Springer |
250 |
Child's Nervous System |
Springer |
251 |
Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B |
Springer |
252 |
Chinese Geographical Science |
Springer |
253 |
Chinese Journal of Geochemistry |
Springer |
254 |
Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology |
Springer |
255 |
Chinese Journal of Polymer Science |
Springer |
256 |
Chinese Science Bulletin |
Springer |
257 |
Chromatographia |
Springer |
258 |
Chromosoma |
Springer |
259 |
Chromosome Research |
Springer |
260 |
Cilia |
Springer |
261 |
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing |
Springer |
262 |
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy |
Springer |
263 |
Climate Dynamics |
Springer |
264 |
Climatic Change |
Springer |
265 |
Clinical & Experimental Metastasis |
Springer |
266 |
Clinical and Molecular Allergy |
Springer |
267 |
Clinical and Translational Allergy |
Springer |
268 |
Clinical and Translational Imaging |
Springer |
269 |
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review |
Springer |
270 |
Clinical Epigenetics |
Springer |
271 |
Clinical Proteomics |
Springer |
272 |
Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology |
Springer |
273 |
Clinical Sarcoma Research |
Springer |
274 |
Clinical Social Work Journal |
Springer |
275 |
Cliometrica |
Springer |
276 |
Cluster Computing |
Springer |
277 |
Cognition, Technology & Work |
Springer |
278 |
Cognitive Computation |
Springer |
279 |
Cognitive Neurodynamics |
Springer |
280 |
Cognitive Processing |
Springer |
281 |
Cognitive Therapy and Research |
Springer |
282 |
Coke and Chemistry |
Springer |
283 |
Colloid and Polymer Science |
Springer |
284 |
Colloid Journal |
Springer |
285 |
Combinatorica |
Springer |
286 |
Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves |
Springer |
287 |
Communications in Mathematical Physics |
Springer |
288 |
Communications in Mathematics and Statistics |
Springer |
289 |
Communications in Mobile Computing |
Springer |
290 |
Community Mental Health Journal |
Springer |
291 |
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory |
Springer |
292 |
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory |
Springer |
293 |
Computational complexity |
Springer |
294 |
Computational Economics |
Springer |
295 |
Computational Geosciences |
Springer |
296 |
Computational Management Science |
Springer |
297 |
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics |
Springer |
298 |
Computational Mathematics and Modeling |
Springer |
299 |
Computational Mechanics |
Springer |
300 |
Computational Optimization and Applications |
Springer |
301 |
Computational Statistics |
Springer |
302 |
Computer Science - Research and Development |
Springer |
303 |
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) |
Springer |
304 |
Computing and Visualization in Science |
Springer |
305 |
Computing |
Springer |
306 |
Conservation Genetics Resources |
Springer |
307 |
Conservation Genetics |
Springer |
308 |
Constitutional Political Economy |
Springer |
309 |
Constraints |
Springer |
310 |
Constructive Approximation |
Springer |
311 |
Contemporary Family Therapy |
Springer |
312 |
Contemporary Islam |
Springer |
313 |
Contemporary Jewry |
Springer |
314 |
Contemporary Problems of Ecology |
Springer |
315 |
Continental Philosophy Review |
Springer |
316 |
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics |
Springer |
317 |
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology |
Springer |
318 |
Controlling & Management Review |
Springer |
319 |
Coral Reefs |
Springer |
320 |
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation |
Springer |
321 |
Crime, Law and Social Change |
Springer |
322 |
Criminal Law and Philosophy |
Springer |
323 |
Criminal Law Forum |
Springer |
324 |
Critical Criminology |
Springer |
325 |
Cryptography and Communications |
Springer |
326 |
Crystallography Reports |
Springer |
327 |
Cultural Studies of Science Education |
Springer |
328 |
Culture and Brain |
Springer |
329 |
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry |
Springer |
330 |
Current Genetics |
Springer |
331 |
Current Microbiology |
Springer |
332 |
Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports |
Springer |
333 |
Current Nutrition Reports |
Springer |
334 |
Current Obstetrics and Gynecology Reports |
Springer |
335 |
Current Osteoporosis Reports |
Springer |
336 |
Current Psychology |
Springer |
337 |
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis |
Springer |
338 |
Cytology and Genetics |
Springer |
339 |
Cytotechnology |
Springer |
340 |
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics |
Springer |
341 |
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal |
Springer |
342 |
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology |
T & F |
343 |
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing |
T & F |
344 |
Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal |
T & F |
345 |
Canadian Water Resources Journal |
T & F |
346 |
Cape Town Convention Journal |
T & F |
347 |
Cartography and Geographic Information Science |
T & F |
348 |
Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics |
T & F |
349 |
Catalysis Reviews: Science and Engineering |
T & F |
350 |
Cell Adhesion & Migration |
T & F |
351 |
Cell Cycle |
T & F |
352 |
Chance |
T & F |
353 |
Channels |
T & F |
354 |
Chemical Engineering Communications |
T & F |
355 |
Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability |
T & F |
356 |
Chemistry and Ecology |
T & F |
357 |
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment |
T & F |
358 |
Chinese Sociological Review |
T & F |
359 |
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems |
T & F |
360 |
Climate Policy |
T & F |
361 |
Coastal Management |
T & F |
362 |
CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts |
T & F |
363 |
Coevolution: An Open Access Journal |
T & F |
364 |
Cogent Arts & Humanities |
T & F |
365 |
Cogent Business & Management |
T & F |
366 |
Cogent Chemistry |
T & F |
367 |
Cogent Economics & Finance |
T & F |
368 |
Cogent Education |
T & F |
369 |
Cogent Engineering |
T & F |
370 |
Cogent Environmental Science |
T & F |
371 |
Cogent Food & Agriculture |
T & F |
372 |
Cogent Geoscience |
T & F |
373 |
Cogent Mathematics |
T & F |
374 |
Cogent Medicine |
T & F |
775 |
Cogent Physics |
T & F |
376 |
Cogent Psychology |
T & F |
377 |
Cogent Social Sciences |
T & F |
378 |
Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management |
T & F |
379 |
Combustion Science and Technology |
T & F |
380 |
Combustion Theory and Modelling |
T & F |
381 |
Comments on Inorganic Chemistry: A Journal of Critical Discussion of the Current Literature |
T & F |
382 |
Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies |
T & F |
383 |
Communication Research and Practice |
T & F |
384 |
Communications in Algebra |
T & F |
385 |
Communications in Partial Differential Equations |
T & F |
386 |
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis |
T & F |
387 |
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation |
T & F |
388 |
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods |
T & F |
389 |
Communicative & Integrative Biology |
T & F |
390 |
Complex Metals: An Open Access Journal |
T & F |
391 |
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal |
T & F |
392 |
Composite Interfaces |
T & F |
393 |
Compost Science & Utilization |
T & F |
394 |
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering |
T & F |
395 |
Computer-Aided Design and Applications |
T & F |
396 |
Connection Science |
T & F |
397 |
Consumption Markets & Culture |
T & F |
398 |
Contemporary Physics |
T & F |
399 |
Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences |
T & F |
400 |
Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry |
T & F |
401 |
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology |
T & F |
402 |
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition |
T & F |
403 |
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences |
T & F |
404 |
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences |
T & F |
405 |
Cryptologia |
T & F |
406 |
Crystallography Reviews |
T & F |
407 |
Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal |
T & F |
408 |
CyTA - Journal of Food |
T & F |
409 |
Chemistry - A European Journal. |
Wiley |
410 |
Chemistry – An Asian Journal. |
Wiley |
411 |
ChemPhysChem. |
Wiley |
412 |
The Cerebellum |
Springer |
413 |
The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology |
Springer |
414 |
Career Development International (CDI) |
Emerald |
415 |
China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER) |
Emerald |
416 |
China Finance Review International (CFRI) |
Emerald |
417 |
Chinese Management Studies (CMS) |
Emerald |
418 |
Circuit World (CW) |
Emerald |
419 |
Collection Building (CB) |
Emerald |
420 |
COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (COMPEL) |
Emerald |
421 |
Competitiveness Review (CR) |
Emerald |
422 |
Construction Innovation (CI) |
Emerald |
423 |
Corporate Communications: An International Journal (CCIJ) |
Emerald |
424 |
Corporate Governance; The international journal of business in society (CG) |
Emerald |
425 |
Critical perspectives on international business (CPOIB) |
Emerald |
426 |
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management (Prev. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal) CCSM) |
Emerald |
428 |
Canadian Geotechnical Journal |
Canadian Geotechnical Journal |
429 |
The Clarion- International Multidisciplinary Journal |
Indian Journals |