The Central Library of IIT Patna is one of the advanced library in terms of its collection and services. Central Library caters to the information needs of faculty members, students, research scholars as well as staff of the Institute, by offering a wide range of Information Technology (IT) based (and value added) services and products.

The Central Library is in fast growing stage. It was started in December 2008 with approximately 1000 books and one online resource. During the short span of time the library has acquired a good number of books and e-resources including e-books and e-journals.

This library is equipped with modern technology of library automation system with Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and Self Check-In and Shelf Check-Out (Drop Box) system using RFID technology. The Library has 50 computers for accessing the different e-resources of the library.

The library remains open from 8.30 AM to 10.00 PM, all seven days throughout the year except National holidays. Users can avail the library facilities during opening hours. Library issues the Institute Identity Card - cum - Library Card with smart card facilities for availing library facility. One can issue or return books at any time in the library during opening hours using the Self Check-In and Shelf Check-Out (Drop Box) system or directly to the library desk.

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